Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (2024)

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (1)

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Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (4)


Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (8)

Town Centre

Overseer's Office

90 Seconds

210 Silicate Powder or Ferrite Dust

5 Metal Plating

3 Microprocessors

Farming Module

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (9)

Farm Module

Agricultural Unit

Farm Module




+ Productivity

1.5 hours

210 Chromatic Metal

140 Magnetised Ferrite

2 Heat Capacitor

Industrial Module

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (10)

Factory Module

Ore Extraction Unit

Synthesis Plant

Manufacturing Unit

Industrial Plant

Production Facility

+ Productivity

1.5 hours

210 Magnetised Ferrite

110 Gold

3 Hydraulic Wirings


Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (11)


Commercial Exchange

Retail Forum

Retail Zone



+ Productivity

2 hours

340 Silicate Powder

210 Carbon

2 Quantum Computers

Small Residence

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (12)

Small Dwelling


Sleeping Pod

Habitation Unit

Domestic Unit

Sleep Unit

Small Home


+3 Population

46 minutes

140 Pure Ferrite

110 Chromatic Metal

5 Metal Plating

3 Glass

Medium Residence

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (13)

Medium Dwelling

Standard House

Moderate Dwelling

Housing Unit

Moderate Housing Unit

Standard Dwelling

+3 Population

46 minutes

140 Pure Ferrite

110 Chromatic Metal

5 Metal Plating

3 Glass

Large Residence

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (14)

Large House

Large Habitation Unit

Palatial Unit

Large Dwelling

Substantial Dwelling

Multi-Storey Dwelling

Cohabitation Unit

Collective Dwelling

+5 Population

2 hours

280 Chromatic Metal

160 Magnetised Ferrite

2 Solar Mirrors

55,000 Units


Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (15)



Dance Hall

Dance Lounge

Insalubrious Den

+ Happiness

- Productivity

1 hour

160 Pure Ferrite

6 Metal Platings

10 Carbon Nanotubes

Starship Dock

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (16)

Starship Dock

Starship Hub

Landing Area

Landing Pad

Docking Area

Starship Dock

+ Productivity

1 hour

120 Chromatic Metal

5 Metal Plating

3 Aronium


Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (17)


Water Tower

Coolant Mill

Processing Tower

Pumping Tower

Generator Tower


+ Productivity

1 hour

280 Magnetised Ferrite

280 Magnetised Ferrite

280 Magnetised Ferrite

135 Silver

Utility Module

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (18)

Utility Module

Power Generator

Machinery Unit

Generator Room

Environmental Control Unit

Hazard Control Unit

+ Productivity

20 min

80 Pure Ferrite

3 Metal Plating

5 Carbon Nanotubes


Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (19)



Distribution Centre

Storage Unit

Large Depot

Commercial Repository

+ Productivity

1 hour

140 Ferrite

3 Hermetic Seals

3 Living Glass


Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (20)

Scrap Heap

Scrap Pile

Waste disposal Pile

Materials Exchange

Equipment Depot

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (21)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (22)

Building Type

Known Names


Time Between Stages

1) Basic Structure

2) Upper Stories

3) Roof

4) Final

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (23)

New citizens

Increases citizen happiness

Increases productivity

Decreases maintenance costs

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (24)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (25)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (26)

Decreases sentinel attention

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (27)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (28)

Occasional population loss

Reduces citizen happiness

Decreases productivity

Increases maintenance costs

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (29)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (30)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (31)

Increases sentinel attention

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (32)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (33)

Worm infestation
Built on cursed ground
Highly radioactive
Pungent food cannery
Sinister AI overlord
Poisoned water
Trade network failing
Legacy nanobots
Prototype building materials
Repressive atmosphere
Localised gas outbreaks
Built on fault line
Dancing is banned
Signal blackspot
Gravitational anomalies
Undrinkable water
Localised cognitohazards
Choking air
Full of parasitic eggs
Built on sand
Frequent tremors
Lazy citizens
Localised quicksand
Network of thought police
Targeted by thieves
Rude citizens
Poorly decorated
Leaking pipes
Many spiders
Intermittent lighting failures
No pets allowed
Citizens are all clones

Atmosphere of suspicion
Constant static noise
Hostile spy suspected
Intermittently hexed
Foreboding atmosphere
Sense of doom
Air of decay
Targeted by scammers
Citizens in a cult
Malfunctioning electronics
Infrequent doom mists
General listlessness
General unease
Unexplained noises
Occasional blood rain
Cursed by the...





Old Ones

'Titan Worm'








Writhing Heart


Blessed by the...
Electromagnetic hotspot
Algae farm supplies food
Automated climate shields
Plentiful nanobots
Anomaly scanner
Interstellar signal array
Cartography drones
Spacetime anomaly shielding
Educated citizens
Propaganda broadcast array
Robot butlers
Bounty scanner
Salvage drones
Well-groomed citizens
Colourful paintwork
Public artworks
Bone recycling unit
Unionised workforce
Generous overtime
Factory has sleep pods
Mandatory brain implants


Pest Controller



JOBS (cont)
Ice Engineer
Debris Remover
Food Technician
Waste Management
Ethics Consultant
Brewery Technician
Relic Hunter
AI Operator
Bounty Hunter
Flag Bearer
Town Crier

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (34)


Cobalt /Ferrite /Carbon /Silicate /Carbon / Plasma /Nitrogen /Sodium /Di-hydrogen /Tritium /Radon /Sulphurine /Electron /Neutron /Proton

processor /extractor /mine /compressor /facility /lab/workshop /factory /welder /station /chamber /generator /array /drill /core /fabricators

Electrical /Maintenance /Medical /Recreation /Logistical /Desalination /Nano-weave /Ionisation /Geothermal /Energy

unit /lab /station /chamber /array /core /centre

plant /cannery /farm /synthesiser


Well decorated /Enticing /Efficient /Well-packed /Multi-use /Multi-person /High-occupancy /Well ventilated /Cosy /Snug

sleep pods /habitats /space compressors /quarters /nests /berths /living capsules /sleep-husks /cryo-pods /sleep-sheaths

Quantum /High-bandwidth /Galactic /Long-distance /Automated

exchange /forum /bazaar /market /delivery agents /trading floor /sales agents

Automated /High-volume /AI-driven /Virtual /Synchronised /Public /High-speed /Synesthetic /Hallucinogenic

food service /drinks pumps /jukebox /chef /music drones /drinks machine

Efficient /Supercharged /Ionised /Osmotic /Cybernetic /Synthetic /High-performance /Geometric /Gyroscopic /Polarised

security systems /power plant /biodome /microclimate generator /foundations /cable network /signal booster /solar panels /biosphere

Frequent /Celebrated /Free /Vibrant /Generous /Lavish /Public

holidays /festivals /music broadcasts /community events /feasts /galas /concerts /exhibitions /holiday jubilees /dancing /gardens /public art

Gentle /Atmospheric /Personal /Free /Public /Soothing

leisure bots /amusem*nt drones /scent generators /air purifiers /de-toxifiers /laughing gas /hormone injections /medical supplements

Inspiring /Metronomic /Efficient /Stirring /AI-driven /Powerful /Regular /Potent

propaganda /public clocks /holograms /brain worms /'education' /stimulation gas /control drones /brain implants /neuro-chips

Self-repairing /Efficient /Accident-proof /Automated /Communal /Mutual /Cooperative /Shared /AI-controlled

drones /pipe network /heat pumps /recycler /power generator /buildings

Sentinel /Anti-drone /Atlas /Aeron /Living glass /Sentinel

suppresors /deflectors /radar /turrets /cloak /shields

<SPECIAL>??<> Unknown Outcome <SPECIAL>??<>


nanite clusters / a substantial amount of units / blessed glass / Atlas beads / star silk / artistic holograms / their poetry anthology / a curious sculpture / their holy 'book' / a pulsating fruit / schematics of their own design / a softly-glowing technology module / a ticking container / an unmarked container / neural ducts / living pearls / a handful of cogs / a handful of rust / a small box of slime / ion spheres / albumen pearls / gravitino balls / vortex cubes / starship AI valves / hadal cores / a DNA sample / valuable minerals / rare elements / activated indium / rare treasures / rare fossils / valuable gemstones / an elaborate effigy / a vial of spice / a vial of comet dust / a packet of seeds / a vial of dust from their homeworld / NipNip buds / a pair of fascinating beads / a library of scan data / a Convergence Cube / GrahGrah / their daggers


personal comforter / Multi-Tool / silken fancy / antique serving unit / ancient tome / treasure map / reliquary / sealed crate / pair of boots / water flask / hologram collection / silicate sculpture / knife / Exosuit / collection of metal bones / trinket / statuette / trophy / portrait / petrified egg


an oxygen recycler / a personal comforter / an antimatter generator / a fuel cell / a Gek relic / an Atlas bead / a fossil sample / a musk sampler / a agricultural drill / a Multi-Tool / a toxin filter / a hazard protection unit / a battery pack / a filtration unit / an osmosis generator / a salt compressor / a vacuum cell / a solar mirror / a magnetic resonator / a copper spool / a widget / a wiring loom / a hermetic seal / a nanotube bundle / a crankshaft / a semiconductor / a cryogenic chamber / a portable reactor / a spark canister / a vector compressor / a neural duct / a neuron bridge / a silken fancy / a synthetic organ / a convergence cube / an oscillator / a vial of gene plasma / a vial of nanite foam / a prototype valve / a mucus generator / a security drone / a construction droid / an invisibility cloak / a cloaking device / a vial of animal repellant / a descaling device / a seed packet / a noise generator / a sample bag / an armour patch / a nutrition pellet / a hazmat filter / a face mask / a drill bit / a sonar array / a power hammer / a waveform editor / a lens adjustor / a soldering iron / a navigation chart / a personal radar / a cauteriser / a hyperspace monitor / a delta-wave suppressor / a signal jammer / a data unit / a personal oiler / a nutrient processor / a personalised jetpack nozzle / a security bypass chip / a subcutaneous microchip / a vial of personal oil / an intimate implant / an AI bypass unit / a cortex bypasser / an antique serving unit / a radon kettle / a nitrogen boiler


spawning partners / trading partners


bi-Convergent entities / research partners


comrades in arms / bonded by battle / former lovers


twin siblings / parent and child / landlord and tenant / neighbours / rivals for stewardship of the farming module / rivals for stewardship of the factory module / rivals for stewardship of the power module / rivals for stewardship of the research module / rivals for the affection of another / siblings / colleagues / colleagues at the farming module / colleagues at the factory module / colleagues at the power module / colleagues at the research module


a salvage yard / a meat factory / a bounty hunting business / an indium mine / a ferrite mine / an emeril mine / an extermination project / a planetary rescue business / a specialist construction unit / an interstellar freighter / a deep-sea exploration venture / a minor trading enterprise / a small relic collection / a moderate-sized dwelling / a small agricultural module / a large DNA bank / a farming module / a forensic laboratory / a testing lab / a research vessel


a nearby ore deposit / a clutch of cloned eggs / a jar of reconstructed organs / a sealed pathogen container / the secret recipe / the deed to a property in the settlement / the deeds to a nearby farm / grazing rights over nearby land / an impounded freighter / a salvaged starship / a pile of valuable scrap / an experimental starship engine / a prototype mining beam / a biological patent / a nearby building plot


Former Overseer / Nearby Freighter Wreck / Nest of Biological Horrors / Beneath the Waves / Abandoned Structure / Local Cave Network / Distress Signal / Freighter Fleet / Storm Crystal Event / Spectacular Meteor Shower / Local Fauna / Local Flora / Photographs of the Settlement's Surroundings / Training & Breeding Programme / A Lost friend / Survey the Planet for Valuable Resources / Experience the Thrill of Adventure / Relic Site / Grand Treasure / Eliminate Sentinel Drone Scourge / Make Maps / Studying the Stars / Detailed Catalogue of all Edible Flora & Fauna / Uncovering Additional Water Sources / Unnaturally Coloured Smoke / Show of Force / Strange, Whispering Eggs / Collect Additional Biological Material / Skulls Required / Ancient Relics Needed



Adds Feature

Removes Feature

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (35)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (36)

Fund productivity improvements

Increases productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (37)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (38)

Fund vital maintenance

Increased maintenance cost

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (39)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (40)

Fund welfare measures

Improves citizen happiness

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (41)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (42)

Fund housing renovation

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (43)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (44)

Fund Sentinel suppression measures

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (45)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (46)



Adds Feature

Removes Feature

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (47)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (48)

Research housing tech

Increases population

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (49)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (50)

Research public goods

Improves citizen happiness

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (51)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (52)

Research industrial tech

Increases productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (53)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (54)

Research maintenance tech

Decreases maintenance costs

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (55)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (56)

Research camouflage measures

Decreases Sentinel attention

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (57)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (58)

Research farming technology

Decreases maintenance costs

Decreases productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (59)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (60)

Research leisure technology

Improves citizen happiness

Reduces citizen happiness

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (61)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (62)

Research commercial innovation

Increases productivity

Decreases productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (63)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (64)

Research additional facilities

Increases productivity

Decreases productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (65)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (66)




Don't Tax

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (67)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (68)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (69)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (70)

extreme dancing
after-hours consumption
gene splicing
gas manipulation
hallucinogenic consumption
personalised genetic modification
aggressive companion training
domestic gambling
eyeball modification
recreational plutonium use
rocket boot races
starship overclocking
midnight exploration
silicate consumption
holographic smuggling
irritating whistling
the forbidden numbers
%ITEM% consumption


-2% citizen happiness

- ~25,000 u/day maintenance

+2% citizen happiness

+ ~14,000 u/day maintenance

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (71)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (72)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (73)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (74)

scent-gland implants
First Spawn literature
futures trading
currency speculation
GekNip smuggling
the forbidden scents

Tax (Gek)...

-2% citizen happiness

- ~25,000 u/day maintenance

+2% citizen happiness

+ ~14,000 u/day maintenance

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (75)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (76)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (77)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (78)

personal resonance jacking
localised EMP devices
superheated internal oils
mutual overclocking
temporary Convergence disconnection
nanite smuggling

Tax (Korvax)...

-2% citizen happiness

- ~25,000 u/day maintenance

+2% citizen happiness

+ ~14,000 u/day maintenance

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (79)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (80)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (81)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (82)

non-violent protest
direct GrahGrah injection
the heresy of Nal
venting battle gases
weapon smuggling
Sentinel sympathising

Tax (Vy'keen)...

-2% citizen happiness

- ~25,000 u/day maintenance

+2% citizen happiness

+ ~14,000 u/day maintenance

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (83)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (84)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (85)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (86)




Don't Ban

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (87)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (88)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (89)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (90)

extreme dancing
after-hours consumption
gene splicing
gas manipulation
hallucinogenic consumption
personalised genetic modification
aggressive companion training
domestic gambling
eyeball modification
recreational plutonium use
rocket boot races
starship overclocking
midnight exploration
silicate consumption
holographic smuggling
irritating whistling
the forbidden numbers
%ITEM% consumption


-2% citizen happiness

~11,000 productivity

+2% citizen happiness

-28,000 productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (91)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (92)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (93)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (94)

scent-gland implants
First Spawn literature
futures trading
currency speculation
GekNip smuggling
the forbidden scents

Ban (Gek)...

-2% citizen happiness

~11,000 productivity

+2% citizen happiness

-28,000 productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (95)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (96)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (97)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (98)

personal resonance jacking
localised EMP devices
superheated internal oils
mutual overclocking
temporary Convergence disconnection
nanite smuggling

Ban (Korvax)...

-2% citizen happiness

~11,000 productivity

+2% citizen happiness

-28,000 productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (99)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (100)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (101)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (102)

non-violent protest
direct GrahGrah injection
the heresy of Nal
venting battle gases
weapon smuggling
Sentinel sympathising

Ban (Vy'keen)...

-2% citizen happiness

~11,000 productivity

+2% citizen happiness

-28,000 productivity

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (103)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (104)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (105)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (106)



Positive Feature Added

Negative Feature Added

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (107)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (108)

A Good Neighbour

Accept Tech:

+ Random Positive Feature

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (109)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (110)

A Mysterious Warning

Heed Warning:

Blessed By The ___

+ 5% Happiness

+ Settlement Debt


Cursed By The ___

+ Maintenance Cost

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (111)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (112)

A Stranger In Need


+ Standing with System's Race

+ Settlement Debt

Have Them Removed:

- Standing with System's Race

Cursed By The ____

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (113)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (114)

An Unexpected Guest

Allow Them To Stay:

+ Random Positive Feature

+1 Population

+ ~10k/day Maintenance

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (115)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (116)

Friendly Business

Purchase Technology:

+ Random Positive Feature

+ Settlement Debt

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (117)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (118)



Endorse / Accept

Deny / Decline

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (119)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (120)

Balaron's heyday
the First Spawn
the most excellent of scents
spectacular trades


+ 4-5% Happiness

+ Settlement Debt

- 2% Happiness

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (121)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (122)

Korvax Prime
those who have been disconnected
the lost numbers
the Atlas


+ 4-5% Happiness

+ Settlement Debt

- 2% Happiness

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (123)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (124)

Hirk's glorious triumph
the glorious fallen
the vanquishing of Nal
those who fought the Aerons


+ 4-5% Happiness

+ Settlement Debt

- 2% Happiness

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (125)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (126)

the Overseer
the foundation of the settlement
the alignment of the stars
a particularly blessed meteor shower
the Founders
the full moon
a great eclipse
the coming of the 'Titan Worm'
the coming of the winds
the coming of the cleansing rains
the coming of the great Blob
the coming of the long night
the coming of the everlasting fire
the coming of that which was foretold
the equinox
the solstice
Unification Day
an auspicious moon
the passing of a rare comet
your own arrival at this settlement
the day of wonder
a glorious new dawn
the end of a tiring year
the rise of the blood moon


+ 4-5% Happiness

+ Settlement Debt

- 2% Happiness

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (127)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (128)

Former Overseer
Nearby Freighter Wreck
Nest of Biological Horrors
Beneath the Waves
Abandoned Structure
Local Cave Network
Distress Signal
Freighter Fleet
Storm Crystal Event
Spectacular Meteor Shower
Local Fauna
Local Flora
Photographs of the Settlement's Surroundings
Training & Breeding Programme
A Lost friend
Survey the Planet for Valuable Resources
Experience the Thrill of Adventure
Relic Site
Grand Treasure
Eliminate Sentinel Drone Scourge
Make Maps
Studying the Stars
Detailed Catalogue of all Edible Flora & Fauna
Uncovering Additional Water Sources
Unnaturally Coloured Smoke
Show of Force
Strange, Whispering Eggs
Collect Additional Biological Material
Skulls Required
Ancient Relics Needed


- 2% Population

+ Settlement Debt

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (129)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (130)



Choice #1

Choice #2

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (131)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (132)

Contested Ownership

+ 'Hostile Spy Suspected'

+ 'Hostile Spy Suspected' - 49052 Productivity / day

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (133)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (134)

Criminal Enterprise

Fine Settlement Entity <Name>:

- Settlement Debt

Set Settlement Entity <Name> Free:

+ 'Enemy Spy Detected'

+ 'Atmosphere Of Suspicion'

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (135)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (136)

Faulty Goods

Award Compensation:

+ 'Hostile Spy Detected'

Dismiss Claim:

+ 'Atmosphere Of Suspicion'

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (137)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (138)

Relational Difficulties

No Change

No Change

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (139)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (140)

The Mission Board

Learning Words

Planetary Settlements


Hidden Languages


Player Titles

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (149)


When a player takes over the role of the settlement's Overseer, they must first build their own office. The player is required to provide materials to construct the office, and wait the advised time for the steps to complete:

  • Supply about 210 Silicate Powder or Ferrite Dust to the site (90s wait).

  • Supply 5 Metal Platings to the site (90s wait).

  • Supply 3 Microprocessors to the site (90s wait).

After the Office is complete, a Settlement Administration Terminal and a Teleporter are available inside.


The settlement administration terminal will be found inside the settlement overseer office after it has been constructed. At this terminal it is possible to:

  • Check the status of the settlement.

  • Determine the priority of Construction Opportunities for the settlement.

  • Meet with visiting NPC aliens that have special requests.

  • Resolve Citizens Disputes.

  • Endorse or deny Citizen Requests.

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (150)


Settlements have stats that say a lot about them.

Each settlement starts with random values for stats, usually low. By making decisions on construction, policies, citizens disputes, citizen requests and greeting new people, these stats will be changed in different directions.

Settlement Class

Settlements have a Class, which is defined by the Population, Productivity, Happiness and Maintenance of the settlement. It can range from C (very bad) to S (very good).

Encountering a fresh A+ Class settlement is (very) unlikely. However, by improving your settlement, it will eventually increase to S-Class.

Settlement Features

Settlements can have up to 6 Features, either positive or negative.

Each feature is related to one of the settlement stats, as shown below.

Whenever a new Feature is gained through a Decision, be it positive or negative, it is added to the list of Settlement Features. If there are already six Features, the worst feature is replaced instead.

Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (151)
Planetary Settlements | No Man's Sky Resources (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Views: 6542

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.