No Man's Sky: How To Obtain The Atlas Pass (& Its Upgrades) (2024)

Acquiring the V1 Atlas Pass in No Man's Sky isn't too challenging, however, it is used for so many things that many find themselves unable to open doors and containers which is extremely frustrating. However, actually obtaining the first Atlas Pass is as simple as playing the game, although it can get a little tedious depending on how lucky the player gets, it requires a lot of ship work. Nevertheless, finding and being able to create the 3 different types of Atlas Passes will improve your gameplay greatly as well as landing you some Nanites.

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Whilst getting hold of these Atlas Passes is wonderful, there are many things that new players need to know before grabbing them or going on the hunt to get every pass. There is more to it than just getting your hands on one and opening everything, but this will all be explored in this guide that will have you opening doors in no time.

How To Obtain The V1 Atlas Pass

No Man's Sky: How To Obtain The Atlas Pass (& Its Upgrades) (1)

As previously mentioned, getting ahold of the V1 Atlas Pass is actually quite easy to do. It requires simply going through the main story quests until the player reaches the Space Anomaly. Then it's important to speak to the Gek alien Polo who will give you a recipe and then a low-level milestone such as learn 10 words or scan 10 animals. After the player has completed this milestone Polo will hand over an upgrade for your ship, exosuit or exocraft, and hopefully a V1 Atlas Pass.

Many fans and experienced gamers have reported getting the blueprint for the Atlas Pass after the second try or the third, so persevere and keep completing the milestones that Polo gives out.

How To Obtain The V2 & V3 Atlas Passes

No Man's Sky: How To Obtain The Atlas Pass (& Its Upgrades) (2)

This is where it gets a little more challenging. After all, the player cannot obtain these by simply completing quests. The only way to get hold of these blueprints is to head to manufacturing facilities.


These buildings are not the easiest to come by but luckily there are tools to help players find them a little easier. First of all, players will need to build a Signal Booster (made using 1 Metal Plating, 1 Carbon Nanotube, and 15 Sodium) which will help locate the Manufacturing Facility. Upon building a Signal Booster there are two options, "Input Data" or "Locate Nearby Structures." While Locate Nearby Structures is a good way to find buildings, it's a bit more of a pot-luck since it may focus on other things rather than a Manufacturing Facility. It's recommended that players use Navigation Data to scan for "Secure Frequencies" so they can locate the nearest facility.

Once the player has flown to the facility, they must shoot the door down which will attract sentinels but don't be alarmed, just move side to side a little and keep shooting, they'll lose interest as soon as you enter the building. After entering the player must complete a puzzle and, if the answer is correct, they will be rewarded with a V2 or V3 Atlas Pass. It's worth noting that this doesn't usually happen on the first time and will require a bit more of an exploration, but you can still get some great rewards from these facilities!

Atlas Pass V1: What It's Used For

No Man's Sky: How To Obtain The Atlas Pass (& Its Upgrades) (3)

So much hassle over three passes! So what are they actually used for and are they even worth getting? The short answer is yes, and the long answer is exploring how much you can actually get out of these passes.

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Made from a blueprint and requiring a simple 80 Copper and a Microprocessor, the V1 Atlas Pass is mainly used to unlock storage containers found around planets, typically near waypoints, crashed, or first ships, and sometimes inside the occasional building. Inside these containers, players will find high-value items like Antimatter that will help them greatly on their journey. Using an Atlas Pass V1 on a door in space stations (the one near the marketplace) will grant you the ability to purchase a new inventory slot for your suit as well as giving you resources.

Atlas Pass V2: What It's Used For

No Man's Sky: How To Obtain The Atlas Pass (& Its Upgrades) (4)

This next tier of Atlas Pass is just perfect for anyone who is playing to enjoy or understand the story.

The Atlas Pass V2 requires 200 Cadmium and 1 Microprocessor to build from the blueprint and will allow you to open up doors inside buildings that you never would have been able to access. Now, unlike the Atlas Pass V1, this pass doesn't give you much in the way of rewards, but rather hands over quests and missions to help the player delve into the story on their quest to reach the center. It will help them understand and succeed in their goals as a player.

Atlas Pass V3: What It's Used For

No Man's Sky: How To Obtain The Atlas Pass (& Its Upgrades) (5)

Made using a blueprint, 200 Emeril and a Microprocessor, this pass is the best of them all. Mainly due to the fact that, unlike the V1 & V2, it doesn't break after one use. If the player can get hold of this pass then every other pass just becomes void since it almost becomes a master key.

Unlocking both V1 and V2 doors and containers, this pass will become your go-to item. Especially when players find out that they can discard the previous passes and now have the ability to unlock pretty much every door in the game, especially the ones hidden around the space stations that many new players are yet to find. Ultimately, all of the passes are vital in improving your gameplay and allowing the player to experience and unlock every secret this game has to offer.

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No Man's Sky: How To Obtain The Atlas Pass (& Its Upgrades) (2024)
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