Nerdy Birdy (Nerdy Birdy, #1) (2024)


10.8k reviews455 followers

December 14, 2022

I'm torn. The first half is awful, reinforcing stereotypes we really don't need to see yet again. But the last bit is fabulous, both funny and wise... and the very last is crazy. You'll just have to see for yourself. But remember: Nerd does not equal glasses does not equal puny does not equal allergies. And Cool does not equal bully. (Iow, cool kids can be nice and wear glasses, for example.)

Reread, bumped it up two (yes 2!) stars. Everything I said above I still agree with, but this time I loved the good about it and cared less about the not-so-good. Think of the first half as a long prologue....
Third read. Love it all over again, probably even more.
And it's on so if your library doesn't have it you can still borrow it for free.
And there's a sequel... I'm off to investigate!

Tracy Clausen

141 reviews1 follower

October 10, 2015

I really like the message in this book - it's not just about being accepted by a group, but being true to yourself and including people that are different. Great for discussing inclusion and friendship with elementary school kids.



44 reviews

April 7, 2024

Nerdy Birdy is lonely and looking for friends. He likes to read, and he is allergic to bird seed. He loves to play video games. He is too nerdy for the cool birds. Maybe too nice for the nerdy birds.

This is a great read with a great message. You can be friends with someone who isn't like you. We don't have to be the same.

    animals childrens


1,024 reviews40 followers

November 16, 2015

A picture book about gatekeepers within geek culture, whaaaat? Adults will appreciate the pop-culture references, kids will giggle at the exaggerated illustrations, and everyone can benefit from the message of inclusiveness.

    picture-books picture-books-2015 read-in-2015


178 reviews26 followers

October 13, 2015

I more nuanced treatment of the whole nerd vs. cool people paradigm then most stories aimed at adults.

At first, nerdy birdy feels lonely because the cool birdies, Eagle, Cardinal, and Robin don't want anything to do with him. When a big group of nerdy birds invites him to join them, he feels excepted and also realizes that Eagle, Cardinal, and Robin's elite-ness kind of cuts them off and must make them lonely.

The story could stop there but it adds an even better message. Vulture moves to town and is shunned by Eagle, Cardinal, and Robin but when Nerdy Birdy invites her to join him and his new friends, they object because she isn't a REAL nerd, she's just weird and gross. But, Nerdy Birdy likes Vulture even though they don't share every interest, so they leave the nerdy group behind too.

I don't know if the kids this book is aimed at are going to retain this message about gate-keeping until they reach the age when labels like "cool" or "nerdy" really come into play but I hope they will. And I don't know if it was intentional that Vulture is female and non of the other birds appear to be, but if so, it was appreciated.



368 reviews14 followers

April 11, 2016

Being true to yourself, standing up for others, understanding being cool is not always cool and that being surrounded by people exactly like you isn't always cool either, and that being open to new people may lead to great friendships!

معصومه توکلی

Author2 books249 followers

October 9, 2022

عنوان ترجمه ی فارسی: پرنده ی اینترنت باز

    داستان-تصویری داستان-کودک

Diana Murray

Author29 books246 followers

January 14, 2019

I'm not sure little kids would get the ending, but I do think they'd enjoy the book. I guess older kids or adults would understand it a different way. It was very funny but it did make me a little sad, however, because my 13yo is "goth". I think this book could initiate some interesting discussions with middle schoolers.

Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer

1,512 reviews5 followers

August 1, 2017

Check out more picture book reviews @ Perspective of a Writer...

Nerdy Birdy sees himself with truthful eyes but still looks to be friends with the cool birdies: Eagle, Cardinal and Robin. When a birdy that looks like him invites him to join their group he is excited to have so many more friends than even the cool group has! What will he do though when he sees a new birdy, Vulture, get rejected by not only the cool birdies but the nerdy birdies as well?

My nephew and I loved this book! The illustrations were fun and brought a light tone to a heavy subject when bringing the theme of friendship and love an authenticity. Nerdy Birdy was rather a tongue twister but my nephew seemed to work harder to say and remember the new words than he normally would have - a definite win! I loved the message of the story too. We should know what makes us different from others, but celebrate those things and like another person because of those differences, not exclude them from our circle of friends.

We'd have to read this story a bunch more times before the overall message was no longer swamped out by the little details in the story (like the eagle who eats sharks and the big birdy walking with the small birdy), but that's the reason to get this for a home library! Really a timeless message with excellent drawings that make this relatable even to older children reading to younger siblings.

BOTTOM LINE: The best message: everyone can be a friend, commonalities and differences.

You can find this review and many others on my book blog @ Perspective of a Writer. See my picture book reviews in a special feature called Boo's Picture Gallery...

    2016 picture-books picture-books-stars-5


4,949 reviews28 followers

January 19, 2017

I Love This Book. It deserves all the 5 stars it can get. A bird feels alone because no one wants to hang out. His glasses are too big and he loves to read. But then he finds his gang. Other nerdy birds like him. But as in real society, even a nerdy group can exclude people. They can exclude the weird. But Nerdy Birdy won’t stand for it. He knows it's better to have friends than be alone.
#beatthebacklist #hermione 2017


1,016 reviews93 followers

August 21, 2017

I loved the ultimate message and I thought the illustrations were super cute and expressive. However, I don't really love how it pigeonholes (pun intended) types of people in the first 2/3 of the book. It's very much about how "cool" kids=bullies and "nerds"=glasses-wearing, book-loving, allergy-having weaklings.


Steve Holden

477 reviews12 followers

August 5, 2017

Lindsay found this one while stockpiling picture books to use in her beginning of the year character program. What a find! This is a fantastic book! I'm jealous she got her hands on it first - I'll need a copy now too.

The illustrations are both funny and adorable. There are jokes within details in most illustrations too. I love it! The best part, however, is the message in this story. It's not about having the "coolest" friends. It's not about having a lot of friends. It's not about being accepted by anyone else. It ultimately comes down to you being you and always being true to what that means. I highly recommend this one to be checked out by teachers and parents - great book!

Erin Murphy

135 reviews1 follower

April 1, 2018

I love the message of this book! Nerdy Bird wasn't cool and didn't fit in with the cool birds. He finds some new friends, but has to stand up to them when they are not interested in accepting a new birds into their group.


56 reviews


June 21, 2019

Being yourself and making friends. Grade: 1-3.

    2019 pb-read-alouds


3,441 reviews69 followers

December 7, 2019

No one wants to be lonely, and even nerds exclude people (or birds) sometimes. A great message and cute illustrations.



Author2 books110 followers

September 17, 2017

I simply adore this book. The moral is so important, and it is a fantastic text to teach kindness and differences.



13.9k reviews295 followers

March 29, 2016

What a great message about how to treat others this book has--but told in a surprising way. Nifty illustrations, created with pen and ink and watercolors follow a bird that is a bit of a misfit as he tries to find a place to belong. It would seem that everything about Nerdy Bird is just all wrong, from his big round glasses to how he finds food. To his chagrin, the other birds with whom he spends time, are simply far too superior for him. When he realizes that there are plenty of other birds just like him, he thinks he's found the right place and friends. But his new friends aren't willing to embrace Vulture, and between those other superior birds who rejected Nerdy Bird and his new nerdy friends who reject Vulture, the poor old bird is left alone. Despite their differences--after all, not all birds of a feather flock together--they become friends. I loved the fact that Nerdy Bird is so generous and open to a new friendship and hasn't forgotten how he was once treated. I also loved the last two illustrations with those very different bird tracks heading in the same direction and leading right up to another possible, very large friend. Perhaps the lesson here is that friendship comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and we are limited only by our own willingness to open our arms to what might be a wonderful friend.

    animals bullies community


70 reviews

October 15, 2023

What an excellent read that every reader can relate to. This picture book takes bullying and friendship to a whole new level, and is extremely well done. The illustrations are colorful, the text is well written, and the message that the book portrays is essential.

Throughout the book, the main character is trying to fit in with others and to make friends. However, everyone else just makes fun of him and bullies him. Then, he does find a group that can relate to him. However, he soon finds out that he does not want to be a member of this new clique.

This book provides perfect examples of how our friendships evolve, how they can change, and how we can overcome bullying. It would be a good book to address with any age group, from young to old. Due to the message that this picture book portrays, I want to make sure that it is a book that I have in my classroom, a book that I revolve a lesson around, and a book that I read to my children.

I was very impressed with this book and found that I could relate to it in many instances. It will put a smile on the reader's face because the plot describes a situation everyone is familiar with, a situation that even some of us have had to go through.



2,682 reviews


January 16, 2016

It was as if they were conjured and controlled by an unseen magician. Neither a chirp nor a cheep was uttered but there was the sound, the sound of hundreds of wing beats. It was late in the afternoon as they dove and swirled and dove and swirled as if dancing an avian ballet. My furry friend and I paused in our walk standing as still as stone, both unable to believe this phenomenon was happening next to us.

These starlings left as swiftly as they came, flying as a unit with a seemingly single conscience. Some scientists speculate they instinctively stay together to locate food and to repel predators; there is survival in numbers. With humans it is sometimes a different kind of survival; a fine line we walk in choosing which paths to take, wanting to belong but maintaining our individuality. Nerdy Birdy (A Neal Porter Book, Roaring Brook Press, September 22, 2015) written by Aaron Reynolds with pictures by Matt Davies follows a bird seeking to find his place among his feathered fellows.

My full recommendation:

    book-a-day own-these-books

Carrie Charley Brown

307 reviews312 followers

August 8, 2015

Trying to fit in can be hard for any birdy. While some are comfortable being on their own, others, like Nerdy Birdy, are looking for friends to share memories. Children can certainly relate to this plight. The ups and downs of social woes are indeed like a teeter totter for young kids. One moment they are friends and the next they are not. But when you find that one true friend, who accepts you just the way you are... that is a golden moment. Nerdy Birdy celebrates diversity through personalities and interests, and touches on discrimination through physical appearances. Even birds can relay a strong message, but wrapped in the humor of Aaron Reynolds and Matt Davies, it comes across as a much lighter, acceptable topic for kids. The art style is very cartoon-like and the birdies celebrate interests and problems relevant to today's kids. It only takes one birdy to start a movement toward unity.

I received an advanced copy of this book from Macmillan Children's Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review.

Cheriee Weichel

2,512 reviews40 followers

February 7, 2016

Nerdy Birdy likes reading and playing video games, but he is lonely. He doesn't fit in with other birds, not even at the bird feeder because he is allergic to bird seed! He would like to be like the cool birds, Eagles, Cardinals, and Robins, but they want nothing to do with him. Eventually he finds a group of other nerdy birds to belong to. They all like to read, play World of Wormcraft and many have same food allergies. Then a new bird, Vulture, entered the community. He wasn't like the cool birds, but neither was he like the nerdy birds. When his new friends rejected Vulture, Nerdy Birdy knew something was wrong and decided to make friends with him anyway. I love the ending message in this book that you can be friends with people who are not the same as you. Students are sure to love these illustrations as much as I did.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



1,294 reviews9 followers

October 20, 2015

Nerdy Birdy realizes he isn't cool. His wings are too small, his glasses too big and he is even allergic to bird feed. When the cool birds shun him, he thinks about his strengths, reading, playing video games, and reading books about them. He still feels lonely until he meets lots of friendly nerdy birdies who share his interests and even look a lot like him. When a new bird, a vulture, moves into the neighborhood, she doesn't share the characteristics of the nerdy birdies. They ignore the vulture, realizing they have nothing in common with her. Yet, Nerdy Birdy gets to know her, and they enjoy one another. The ending message is powerful. "If you ever need a friend, you can hang around with them. After all there's always room for another......" This humorous book of acceptance will ring true for young listeners, and the rest of us too!


Ariel Cummins

818 reviews17 followers

December 11, 2015

There are plenty of picture books out there about being yourself. But what do you do when you're being yourself and the cool kids still don't like you? If you're Nerdy Bird, you find other Nerdy Birds to hang out with! ...if this were most picture books, that would be where the story would end. One thing that makes this title stand out, thought, is the fact that it deals with what do to when the folks who are proud of not being cool think they're too cool to hang out with somebody else.

This book has a lot of puns (visual and otherwise), and is very, very clever. I think the silly art matched the ridiculous premise, and it all just..worked!

I would read this in a preschool storytime about being yourself, or about friendship.

Melissa Rochelle

1,283 reviews153 followers

November 24, 2015

I'm always amazed by picture books that take a complex issue and break it down so beautifully for kiddos to "get it". Here we have a nerdy birdy who hangs around the cool birds, but they don't have anything in common. The cool birds only seem to care about their stuff (being strong, showing off, etc). One day this little nerdy birdy meets an entire flock of nerdy birds that all like the same stuff as him. He's finally found his people! But when a new non-cool bird moves to town, our little nerdy birdy learns that even the nerdiest bunch of birds can be pretty unwelcoming. A great message perfect for those little humans starting school and trying to find where they fit in.

    library picture-books read-2015


3,946 reviews46 followers

October 22, 2015

This is going to be a continuing favorite. This bird is a nerd, and finally finds his niche, others who invite him into the group of others like him, other nerds. No longer does he feel alone, and he has a fine group of friends. But along comes someone who is different, another kind of nerd? And the group, sad to our Nerdy Birdy, says this new one is just TOO weird. What comes next is beautiful, and will show the best part of accepting others just as they are. The pictures work beautifully with the story, cartoon-like and colorful with easily read expressions. The story will begin so many conversations about differences, acceptance and kindness.

    beginning-readers-2015 picture-books-2015 read-2015


677 reviews9 followers

December 4, 2015

I love, love, LOVE this book! It's an adorable way to talk to kids about how it's ok to not fit in and be different, but not to shun other people because they might be a different kind of different from you. It's just a really great book with a great message.

The illustrations are simple but interesting and they used different fonts for the dialogue and then descriptions.

I highly recommend this book!


4,691 reviews176 followers

October 9, 2015

This perfectly encapsulates two things. 1) The moment when an outcast person finds their tribe. Yes! What a feeling!! Alone no more! And then 2) The moment when you turn on someone else -- and realize no one, not even former outcasts, is above clique-iness. Pretty deep for a picture book, no? The social inclusiveness lessons here are great without being heavy-handed.

    age-3rd-grade age-k-2 gift-books

Jillian Heise

2,349 reviews536 followers

October 26, 2015

Adorable book? The illustrations are endearingly cute. The message might be a little heavy handed, but it's a good one. Will share with students when they need a reminder to be an inclusive/accepting community.

    pb-community-building pb-friendship pb-grad-send-off


62 reviews9 followers

September 30, 2015

So many of my friends need this in their lives and on their kids bookshelves. For every nerd who just wanted some friends, felt alone and just wanted to be you without feeling bad about who or what you like, this is the book for you and your kids! Heck, I want this on my book shelf!!!

    humor kids-bks


244 reviews

November 15, 2015

A great story about being nerdy and feeling the odd-one out. However, there are way more nerdy birdies than "cool" ones, so nerds can find their friends. It's a story of acceptance and then extending that acceptance to others who are different in other ways.

Nerdy Birdy (Nerdy Birdy, #1) (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.